In ancient times, a magical princess living in Komodo, and called the Dragon Lady by the local community. The daughter married a man named Majo and gave birth to twins: a boy and a baby dragon. His son was given the name The Gerong, and raised among humans; while dragon named Orah, grew up in the woods. They both know each other not to each other.
A few years later, The Gerong who was hunting in the woods, killing the deer. But when he was about to take his catch, a big lizard came from the bushes trying to take deer. The Gerong try to drive the animal, but could not. Animals were standing on the deer carcass as a warning with a grin.
The Gerong raised his spear to kill the lizard, as women appear beautiful tibatiba shine: Lady Dragons. Quickly, he meleraikan them, and tell the Gerong, "Do not kill this animal, she is your sister, Orah. I gave birth to you. Suppose your neighbor because he's your twin brothers. "
25 Nov 2009
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