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27 Jan 2010

One of the islands in Indonesia which is currently busy discussed by the public, both local and foreign tourists, namely Komodo Island. The island is included in the East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Lately, Komodo Island is often mentioned as one of the candidates of the seven wonders of the world. Unfortunately, komodo dragon population continues to decline.

We all know that komodo only alive and living in it and Komodo Island Komodo dragon does not exist in countries other than Indonesia. This is a separate keuunikan for Komodo Island. Komodo is an endangered species of reptiles are still believed to be the remains of extinct creatures that are still alive. Komodo dragons can reach adult length of three meters and weigh up to one hundred pounds. Although komodo including species of reptiles, but he can run up to 80 km per hour. So, komodo was known as one of the reptiles in the world because terganas teeth and poisonous.

Keunikkan one of the Komodo dragon is how he obtained food. Komodo dragons are known to be able to not eat for months, but the way he obtained the food is very unique. Komodo dragon prey on goats, deer, and wild boar. When he chose his prey, he was chasing and biting the prey, but he did not eat the prey immediately. Saliva that contains thousands of deadly bacteria that can cripple the bitten animal slowly, perhaps within hours or days of being bitten by an animal until it dies because there are bacteria in Komodo dragon saliva. Komodo continues to follow its prey for days until the prey truly dead. Tongue sticking out repeatedly can detect prey up to the carcass 11 miles away. After the carcass of its prey, the Komodo dragon has 60 sharp teeth to cut and destroy the flesh, eating prey that has eye on. Therefore, the Komodo dragon reptiles known as scavengers. In addition, although most of the Komodo dragon lives spent on land, but the Komodo dragon is a powerful swimmer in the swift water currents.

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